KVS Syllabus 2025 – Check KVS Syllabus For PRT, PGT, and TGT. KVS examination will held in three different positions. In below page, we will provide you KVS official link. Syllabus for KVS 2025 recruitment is mentioned here. Candidates can check their syllabus according to their jobs. To know more you need to scroll down below page.
KVS Syllabus 2025 For PRT, PGT, and TGT
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) exam syllabus typically covers various subjects and topics relevant to the position for which the exam is being conducted, such as teaching or non-teaching roles. It held three different positions. For teaching positions, the syllabus usually includes sections on General Knowledge, English Language Proficiency, Pedagogy, Educational Psychology, and Subject-specific content based on the subject being taught (like Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, etc.).
TGT, PGT, and PRT notifications released separately on KVS official website. For non-teaching positions, the syllabus may include sections on General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, Computer Literacy, and Administrative/Financial/Educational Management. Additionally, there may be specific sections focusing on the latest developments in the field of education, current affairs, and recent trends in teaching methodologies. It’s important for candidates to thoroughly review the official exam notification and syllabus provided by KVS to ensure they are preparing comprehensively for the exam.
General Details Regarding KVS Syllabus
Title | Kvs Syllabus 2025 |
Conducted by | Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan |
Job Type | Central Government Job |
Year | 2025 |
Mode | Online |
KVS Vacancy 2025 | To be announced |
Exam Level | National Level |
Category | Syllabus |
Medium of Exam | English / Hindi |
Job Location | Anywhere |
Official Website | kvsangathan.nic.in |
KVS PRT Syllabus 2025
KVS Primary Teacher (PRT) exam syllabus typically includes sections on General Knowledge, English Language Proficiency, Pedagogy, Educational Psychology, and Subject-specific content relevant to primary education such as Mathematics, Environmental Studies, English, Hindi, etc. It focuses on assessing candidates’ understanding of child development, teaching methodologies, educational concepts, and subject knowledge suitable for teaching primary classes. Additionally, there may be sections on current affairs, the latest trends in education, and basic computer literacy.
Subject | Syllabus |
English | Grammar: Parts of Speech (Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, etc.) Tenses (Present, Past, Future) Articles Prepositions Conjunctions Direct and Indirect Speech Active and Passive Voice Sentence Structure Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms Homonyms and Homophones One-word Substitution Idioms and Phrases Analogies Word Formation Comprehension: Reading Comprehension passages followed by questions to test understanding, inference, and interpretation skills. Writing Skills: Essay Writing Letter Writing (Formal and Informal) Precis Writing Paragraph Writing Sentence Correction |
Hindi | व्याकरण (Grammar): शब्द और शब्द विचार (Words and Word Usage) वाक्य रचना (Sentence Structure) कारक (Cases) संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, क्रिया, विशेषण (Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective) समास (Compound Words) संधि और संधि विच्छेद (Sandhi and Samas) अलंकार (Figures of Speech) पर्यायवाची शब्द और विपरीतार्थक शब्द (Synonyms and Antonyms) पठन कौशल (Reading Skills): पाठों का पठन (Reading of Passages) पाठ के समझ (Understanding of Passages) पाठ के आधार पर प्रश्न (Questions based on Passages) लेखन कौशल (Writing Skills): निबंध लेखन (Essay Writing) पत्र लेखन (Letter Writing) अनुच्छेद लेखन (Paragraph Writing) समाचार पत्र, पत्रिका, आदि में लेख (Writing for Newspapers, Magazines, etc.) मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ (Idioms and Proverbs): मुहावरे और उनके अर्थ (Meaning of Idioms) लोकोक्तियाँ और उनके विवरण (Explanation of Proverbs) |
Reasoning | Verbal Reasoning: Analogy Classification Series Completion Coding-Decoding Blood Relations Direction Sense Test Logical Venn Diagrams Alphabet Test Number, Ranking & Time Sequence Test Non-Verbal Reasoning: Series Analogy Classification Mirror Images Water Images Figure Matrix Paper Cutting and Folding Cubes and Dice Pattern Completion Logical Reasoning: Statement and Assumptions Arguments and Statement Statement and Conclusions Assertion and Reason Cause and Effect Logical Deduction Analytical Reasoning: Syllogism Decision Making Problem-Solving Data Sufficiency Seating Arrangement Puzzles |
Computer Literacy | Basic Computer Knowledge: Introduction to Computers Computer Hardware Computer Software Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, macOS) Computer Peripherals Fundamentals of MS Office Suite: Microsoft Word (Document Editing and Formatting) Micro soft Excel (Spreadsheet Operations) Microsoft PowerPoint (Presentation Creation) Internet and Email Usage: Browsing the Internet Search Engines Email Basics (Sending, Receiving, Attachments) Computer Security and Ethics: Cyber Security Basics Internet Safety Measures Ethical Use of Computers and the Internet Basic Troubleshooting: Identifying and Resolving Common Computer Issues Software Installation and Uninstallation |
General Knowledge and Current Affairs | Current Affairs: National and International Events Government Schemes and Policies Sports News Awards and Honors Books and Authors Important Days and Dates Scientific Developments Environmental Issues General Knowledge: Indian History Indian Geography Polity of India Indian Economy World Geography World History General Science Basic Knowledge of Indian Constitution Social and Cultural Events: Famous Personalities Art and Culture Festivals of India Dance Forms Music and Literature |
KVS TGT Syllabus 2025
KVS TGT (Trained Graduate Teacher) syllabus typically covers topics like English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, and other related subjects. It includes concepts from pedagogy, educational psychology, teaching methodology, and subject-specific content up to the graduate level. Candidates are assessed on their proficiency in subject knowledge, teaching aptitude, reasoning ability, and general awareness. The syllabus may vary slightly depending on the specific subject and grade level.
Subject | Syllabus |
English | 1. Comprehension passages 2. Grammar: Parts of speech, tenses, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, etc. 3. Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, idioms, phrasal verbs, one-word substitutions, etc. 4. Writing skills: Letter writing, essay writing, précis writing, report writing, etc. 5. Literature: Prose, poetry, drama, literary terms, famous authors and their works (both Indian and international), literary movements, etc. 6. Pedagogical aspects: Teaching methodologies, strategies for language teaching, assessment techniques, classroom management, etc. |
Hindi | 1. भाषा: व्याकरण, शब्दावली, वाक्य रचना, पाठ्य समझ, और वाचन कौशल। 2. साहित्य: कहानियाँ, कविताएँ, नाटक, कवियों और उनकी रचनाएँ, लेखकों और उनके द्वारा लिखी गई प्रमुख रचनाएँ, साहित्यिक सिद्धांत, आदि। 3. भाषा शिक्षा: शिक्षण प्रक्रियाएँ, भाषा शिक्षण की विधियाँ, मूल्यांकन तकनीकें, कक्षा प्रबंधन, आदि। |
General Knowledge and Current Affairs | 1. India History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History. 2. Geography: Physical, political, and economic geography of India and the world. 3. India Polity and Governance: Constitution of India, political system, Panchayati Raj, public policy, rights issues, etc. 4. Economic and Social Development: Sustainable development, poverty, demographics, social sector initiatives, etc. 5. Environmental Studies: Ecology, biodiversity, climate change, environmental conservation, etc. 6. General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and their application in daily life. 7. Sports, Awards, and Honors: Major sports events, awards, honors, and achievements. 8. Important Dates and Events: National and international observances, festivals, etc. |
Reasoning Ability | 1. Verbal Reasoning: Analogy, classification, series completion, coding-decoding, blood relations, etc. 2. Non-Verbal Reasoning: Mirror images, paper folding and cutting, figure completion, embedded figures, etc. 3. Logical Reasoning: Syllogism, statement-conclusion, statement-assumption, statement-argument, logical deductions, etc. 4. Analytical Reasoning: Puzzles, seating arrangement, data sufficiency, direction sense, etc. 5. Problem-solving: Number series, alphabet series, mathematical operations, data interpretation, etc. 6. Critical Thinking: Decision-making, problem-solving, interpretation of information, drawing inferences, etc. |
Computer Science | 1. Computer Fundamentals: Basics of computer systems, input-output devices, memory, storage devices, etc. 2. Programming Languages: Concepts of programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, etc. 3. Data Structures and Algorithms: Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, sorting and searching algorithms, etc. 4. Database Management Systems (DBMS): Basics of database systems, SQL queries, normalization, etc. 5. Operating Systems: Concepts of operating systems, processes, threads, scheduling algorithms, memory management, etc. 6. Computer Networks: Basics of networking, OSI model, TCP/IP protocol suite, network devices, etc. 7. Software Engineering: Software development life cycle (SDLC), software testing, software maintenance, etc. 8. Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, server-side scripting languages, web development frameworks, etc. |
KVS PGT Syllabus 2025
KVS Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) exam typically includes subjects related to the specific discipline being taught, such as English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Economics, Commerce, Computer Science, etc. It covers advanced topics in the chosen subject, pedagogy, educational psychology, teaching methodologies, and assessment techniques. Additionally, there may be sections on general knowledge, current affairs, and computer literacy. Candidates should refer to the official KVS exam notification.
Subject | Syllabus |
English | 1. Tenses and their forms 2. Verbs and its types 3. Voice {Active Voice and Passive Voice} 4. Unseen Passage 5. Subject-Verb Agreement 6. Vocabulary 7. Articles 8. Sentence Rearrangement 9. Fill in the Blanks, Error Correction, Adverb 10. Comprehension 11. Idioms and Phrases 12. Antonyms 13. Synonyms |
Hindi | व्याकरण (Grammar): कारक, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, क्रिया, विशेषण, समास, संधि, अलंकार, लिंग, वचन, काल, वाच्य, उपसर्ग-प्रत्यय, वाक्य रचना, etc. शब्दार्थ (Vocabulary): पर्यायवाची शब्द, विपरीतार्थक शब्द, मुहावरे, लोकोक्तियाँ, वाक्यांशों का प्रयोग, etc. पाठ्य पुस्तक (Textbook): कक्षा 11 और 12 की हिंदी पाठ्य पुस्तकों का अध्ययन। Hindi Literature: आधुनिक काव्य: मैथिलीशरण गुप्त, जयशंकर प्रसाद, सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’, रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’, नागार्जुन, etc. आधुनिक गद्य: मुंशी प्रेमचंद, जयशंकर प्रसाद, अज्ञेय, यशपाल, कृष्ण सोबती, गुलज़ार, etc. भारतीय साहित्य: महाभारत, रामायण, पाणिनि, भारतीय उपनिषद, कालिदास, सूरदास, कबीर, तुलसीदास, etc. |
General Knowldege and Current Affairs | 1. National and International Current Affairs: Important events and developments in India and around the world. Government schemes, policies, and initiatives. Major political, economic, and social issues. Recent scientific discoveries and advancements. General Knowledge: 1. History of India : Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History. 2. Geography: Indian and World Geography, Physical Geography, and Environmental Science. 3. India Polity: Constitution of India, Indian Political System, and Governance. 4. Economy of India : Economic Policies, Budget, and Five-Year Plans. 5. General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Environmental Science. 6. Books and Authors, Awards and Honors, Sports, and Important Days. 7. Major International Organizations and their functions. |
Reasoning Ability | Verbal Reasoning: 1. Analogy 2. Classification 3. Series Completion 4. Coding-Decoding 5. Blood Relations 6. Direction Sense Test 7. Logical Venn Diagrams 8. Alphabet Test 9. Number, Ranking & Time Sequence Test Non-Verbal Reasoning: 1. Series 2. Analogy 3. Classification 4. Mirror Images 5. Water Images 6. Figure Matrix 7. Paper Cutting and Folding 8. Cubes and Dice 9. Pattern Completion Logical Reasoning: 1. Statements and Assumptions 2. the Arguments and Statement 3. Conclusions and Statement 4. Assertion and Reason 5. Cause and Effect 6. Logical Deduction Analytical Reasoning: 1. Syllogism 2. Decision Making 3. Problem-Solving 4. Data Sufficiency 5. Seating Arrangement 6. Puzzles |
Computer Literacy | 1. Paint Brush Use 2. Important Terms and Computer Basics 3. Internet 4. Computer History 5. Word Processor 6. About Desktop and Computer Peripherals 7. Formatting Word Document 8. PPT or Powerpoint Presentation 9. Exploring Windows |
KVS Syllabus for Interview
- Team Managment Skills
- Group Discussions
- Body Language
- Analytic Skills
- Current Affair Knowledge
- Listening Skills
Some Important Links
KVS Syllabus Official Portal Link – Click Here
Plzz inform about the kvs permanent vacancies notification for Teachers posts 2025
When the tgt recruitment notification is being released Sir?